
Araya Health Centre

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Most people think that the benefits of massage therapy are only related to relaxation. But it’s not true; the benefits go way beyond relaxation. A survey conducted by American Consumers View on the use of massage therapy has some interesting statistics.

93% of individuals believe that massage is effective in reducing pain and beneficial for overall health. 83% of individuals consider massage therapy a form of health care. 25% of individuals were referred for massage therapy by their doctors, and 24% recommended getting it regularly.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

In this article, we will outline some of the amazing health benefits of massage therapy.

Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and depression

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, massage therapy reduces Cortisol, a stress hormone, and boosts the production of serotonin and dopamine in the body.

Serotonin plays a critical role in body functions such as mood, sleep, wound healing, bone health, blood clotting, etc. Whereas dopamine is responsible for movement, memory, pleasure, and motivation. This is also associated with several mental health and neurological diseases.

This effect of massage therapy relieves stress, anxiety, and depression, and you feel relaxed and happier.

Manage and relieve pain

Chronic pain negatively affects your daily life, whether it is neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, or other muscle pain.

Research published at Harvard Medical School has shown that regular massage therapy sessions can reduce chronic pain in the body. Another study by the Arthritis Society of Canada has found that massage increases blood circulation. They referred to massage as an excellent way to reduce muscle stiffness, inflammation and arthritis pain, especially in knee arthritis.

Massage has been found to be the natural pain reliever for chronic conditions like neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, migraine, and arthritis. 

Improve Circulation

Pressure and movement in massage therapy circulate oxygenated blood to tense and damaged muscles in the body. Because of the improved blood circulation, recovery is expedited.

Help you sleep better

A night of good sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. Chronic conditions and stress can lead to sleepless time.

Massage therapy increases delta waves in the brain, which is associated with deep sleep. It also promotes relaxation and reduces chronic conditions of the body and promotes better sleep.

Boost Immunity

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has found that massage therapy increases white blood cells in the body. These white cells boost natural killer T-cells, which defend the body from diseases and strengthen immune system.
Massage also promotes relaxation and better sleep. This allows the immune system to function better and helps you stay healthy.

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