
Araya Health Centre

Debunking Common Myths About Chiropractic

You may have read or heard common myths about chiropractic, and that is why you are a little hesitant to give it a try. However, It is no longer a mystery.

The chiropractic profession started in the late 19th century and is now regulated in 90 countries worldwide. This is the third-largest group of primary healthcare professionals after physicians and dentists.

Around 16% of Canadians regularly visit chiropractors to address their back, neck, or other musculoskeletal issues. Today, there are many studies and research papers available confirming that chiropractic is a viable means to ease chronic back and other joint pain problems.

Yet, some people consider chiropractic a form of pseudoscience.

In this article, we will debunk the most common myths about chiropractic.

Myth #1: Chiropractors Are Not Doctors

For many, a person with a doctor of medicine degree qualifies as a “doctor.” Furthermore, one of the biggest myths is that chiropractors are not doctors because they do not possess an M.D.

They are “Doctors of Chiropractic Care” and earn their Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from an accredited college. They can be licensed as primary care physicians.

Doctors of chiropractic care and doctors of medicine have many subjects in common. Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, radiography, orthopedics, etc. are some of them. The students spend more than 4,500 hours in classes, labs, and patient time, which is comparable to the amount of time spent by medical school students.

The chiropractic profession in Canada is regulated by provincially-legislated regulatory and licensing authorities. They are the authorized primary healthcare providers in Canada and you can go to them directly for a diagnosis and subsequent treatment that can be addressed by Chiropractor.

Myth #2: Chiropractors Can Only Treat Back Pain

Chiropractic care is a form of complementary and alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal mechanical disorders. Although it is best known for treating back and neck pain, it is equally effective for treating other joint disorders and pain in the body.

Along with adjustments, it also offers exercise and nutrition counseling, postural testing and analysis, cold laser therapy, electronic stimulation, etc. It may also provide a solution for other health issues like fatigue, digestive issues, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and pregnancy discomforts.

Myth #3: Chiropractic Adjustments Are Risky

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), spinal manipulation is relatively safe when performed by a licensed chiropractor. In fact, it is considered less invasive compared to other forms of medicine.

This is a natural and safe alternative to other conventional pain management treatments. All steroids, anti-inflammatory medications, and surgeries are associated with risks, side effects, and complications, whereas chiropractic is based on the natural self-healing of the body.

You may feel temporary muscle soreness, stiffness, or increased pain, just like after a normal workout. If you have a rare medical condition or are receiving treatment for another medical condition, it is always recommended to follow your doctor’s advice before a chiropractic adjustment.

Myth #4: Chiropractic Adjustments Are Very Painful

The cracking and popping sounds during chiropractic adjustments may sound painful, but they are not. This sound is the release of gases from joint cavities. You will experience little to no discomfort, similar to working out for the first time, which will fade quickly.

Myth #5: Medical Doctors Don’t Recognize Chiropractic Treatment

Most of the myths regarding how doctors view chiropractors were created in the middle of the 20th century. Although they no longer exist in modern times.

In the 1940s, a number of conservative doctors rejected chiropractic treatment and worked to put an end to the field by presenting chiropractors as illiterate, unscientific fraud. They succeeded in spreading this false information, which lasted until they were found responsible for a conspiracy against chiropractors in a 1980s case.

The medical profession’s acceptance of chiropractic medicine is still expanding in modern times. Today, chiropractors work in hospitals around the nation, and many offices have medical doctors on staff.

Myth #6: It Is Too Expensive

Chiropractic treatment is 3-5 times cheaper than medical treatment, in which 80% of the cost goes only for diagnosis. In chiropractic, there is an 84% decrease in pharmaceutical costs. You may also see a 60% decrease in in-hospital admissions and a 64% decrease in surgeries and procedures.