
Araya Health Centre

The Science Behind Massage Therapy

The science behind massage therapy

Is there any science behind massage therapy? This has been a topic of discussion among academics for a very long time. This ancient practice has always been beneficial, and now modern science has also acknowledged its scientific aspects. There is enough scientific evidence available to prove that massage therapy has many medical benefits for the body.

Several studies have shown that regular massage therapy improves both physical and mental health and enhances the quality of life. Here we will outline some scientific facts about massage therapy, which will help you understand how massage therapy can change your life.

The Science Behind Massage Therapy

Massage therapy causes mechanical and relaxation responses from the body. Mechanical responses are the physical effects that occur in the body due to the pressure applied during the massage. Touch and massage techniques on the nervous system produce known relaxation responses.

Mechanical Response

What is the first thing you do when you have a headache, a knee injury, or any other chronic pain in any other part of the body? Most likely, you press the painful area with your fingers to get instant relief. Researchers have an explanation for this instinctive action against pain in Gate Control Theory.

Pain Relief

According to the therapeutic uses of the Gate Control Theory, pressure signals under the skin transmit information to the brain faster than pain signals. If both are transmitted at the same time, pressure signals override the pain signals.

In other words, by closing the neuronal gates in the central nervous system, non-painful receptors override the pain receptors and prevent the pain sensation. Massage therapy activates the pressure receptors and prevents the pain receptors from reaching the brain. This provides a sense of pain relief.

Massage therapy can increase blood circulation to restricted muscles, according to research published by Harvard Medical School.This increased circulation boosts the oxygen and nutrients in the damaged muscle cells, allowing them to function more efficiently.

This pushes muscle tissue to absorb more fluid, which reduces inflammation and stiffness and helps tissues become more relaxed. When tissue becomes relaxed, it reduces nerve compression, which is responsible for painful contractions and spasms. which, in turn, reduces chronic conditions and provides pain relief.

Immunity Boost

Massage therapy has been shown to boost white blood cells and lymphatic blood flow, according to a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. The lymphatic system is the purifying system in the body that transmits white blood cells throughout. These white blood cells boost natural killer T-cells, which defend the body from diseases and strengthen the immune system.

In some therapy techniques, the therapist uses deep finger pressure to target deeper layers of muscle tissues and fascia. The pressure releases toxins from muscles and blood, which relieves tension in connective tissues. This reduces muscle stiffness, increases the range of motion, and helps with musculoskeletal disorders.

Relaxation Response

The relaxation response is the response of the nervous system to the positive, caring, and soft touch of the massage therapist during the massage, known as “Affective Touch”.

According to research published by the AMTA, this “Affective Touch” boosts the production of dopamine in the body, a hormone responsible for pleasure, mood enhancement, and motivation.

This is the reason why massage therapy relieves stress, anxiety, and depression and makes you feel relaxed and happier. When you feel relaxed, your brain produces more delta waves, which are associated with deep sleep and help you sleep better.


The science behind massage therapy is backed by many researches and studies for different medical conditions of the body. This is an effective, risk-free treatment option for people of all ages to stay healthy.

Araya Health is proud to offer Massage Therapy in Scarborough and Toronto with other therapeutic services. To book an appointment for massage therapy in Scarborough and Toronto with one of our skilled registered massage therapists, just contact us today.